
1st BASE Next-Generation Sequencing Services 

Next-Generation Sequencing is driving growth and possibilities in scientific research as DNA is sequenced in parallel at unprecedented speed. It has opened up new worlds in genomic research, and resulted in novel biological applications in diverse fields of science.

1st BASE proudly introduces our end-to-end NGS Service to assist you in your NGS pursuits. We offer the latest in NGS technologies, together with cross-platform expertise in choosing the most suitable technology to meet your sequencing needs.

It has always been our mission to serve the needs of the life science research community. We have a dedicated team taking care of your project, hence you can count on us for high-quality data and accelerated turn-around time.

Complete Solution

  • Sample Preparation Services – DNA/RNA isolation from various sample types
  • Sample QC with report
  • High Quality Library Preparation
  • Library QC with report
  • Comprehensive Bioinformatics Data Analysis with report
    (which includes publication-ready figures and tables)

Covaris provides tools and technologies to improve pre-analytical sample preparation, enable novel drug formulations, and manage compounds in the drug discovery process.

DNA/RNA Shearing Service for Next-Gen Sequencing

Covaris’ AFA-energetics process is the Industry Standard for DNA fragmenting and is used by major genome and clinical research centers world-wide.

Using the DNA Shearing Service provides the same benefits as using your own Covaris Focused-ultrasonicator:

  • Reproducible, narrow size distribution
  • Non-contact, closed tube–no chance of cross contamination
  • Isothermal, high recovery process
  • Compatible & validated with ALL Next-gen sequencing platforms—SOLiD/Ion Torrent, Roche/454, Illumina/HiSeq to MiSeq

How the Service works:

  • More information, including prices, is available in the DNA Shearing < 1.5kb or DNA Shearing > 1.5kb Agreements. Contact Covaris for prices (Email: services@covaris.com) if you have more than 16 samples.
  • Follow the protocol in the order form and then ship DNA samples to Covaris.
  • Covaris will process the DNA samples according to the base-pair range specified by the customer, sheared DNA samples are returned to the customer, with electropherogram confirmation if requested, within 24 hours upon receiving the samples.

* DNA Shearing Service is limited to customers within the continental United States. For special requests outside of the continental United States, please contact Covaris.


Empower your lab with fast, reliable NGS solutions. Whether you're investigating cancer, tracking genetic variation, or discovering new biomarkers, IDT's customizable NGS portfolio and workflows deliver the answers you need.

Library Preparation

Automation-friendly, high-efficiency prep kits for DNA, RNA, methyl-seq, and more—including FFPE, cfDNA, and ultra-low input samples.

Hybridization Capture

Probe-based target enrichment panels and optimized hybridization capture reagents. Save on sequencing costs with high on-target rates.

Amplicon Sequencing

Primer-based target enrichment panels that create overlapping amplicons to amplify targets in a single-tube, two-hour workflow.

Library Normalization

Easy-to-use enzymatic modules create equimolar library pools with optimal sequence uniformity.

Anchored Multiplex PCR

Archer AMP™ NGS research assays for sensitive detection of genomic alterations.

Archer Analysis

Secure, scalable, and rapid bioinformatics solution for Archer NGS assays.

Adapters & Primers for NGS Sequencers

Adapters, indexing primers, blockers, and library amplification primers compatible with multiple next-generation sequencing platforms.

Sequencing Services

Utilize our trusted NGS sequencing service provider network, IDT Align℠, for your genomics projects.


Confidently identify more with Archer NGS assays, powered by patented Anchored Multiplex PCR (AMPTM) chemistry. Flexible assay content, reagent formats, and Archer Analysis settings ensure there’s a solution for your lab’s NGS needs.

RNA Assays

Assess solid tumor or blood cancer RNA inputs with Archer FUSIONPlex™ assays. Easily identify relevant genomic variants, including known and novel fusions, splice variants, indels, and more.

DNA Assays

Detect DNA variants, even from low-input or degraded FFPE tissue samples. Archer VARIANTPlex™ assays can be paired with Archer RNA assays for comprehensive data from a single sample.

ctDNA Assay

Target low-frequency variants and key genomic alterations in 29 cancer-related genes. Our Archer LIQUIDPlex™ ctDNA assay amplifies low molecular weight cell-free DNA fragments from solid tumors.

T-Cell & B-Cell RNA Assays

Gain immunological insights with targeted T-cell and B-cell receptor RNA assays. Use Archer IMMUNOVerse assays to assess clonality, MRD, TILs, and somatic hypermutation.

Custom Assays

Add targets to existing Archer assays or easily build from scratch in Assay Marketplace. Contact our design services for advanced customization options and support.

Archer Analysis

Archer Analysis is a versatile bioinformatics platform that streamlines analysis for all Archer assays and is available as a hosted service, or as a locally installed server.


MagBio Genomics develops and commercializes magnetic bead-based products for nucleic acids isolation including biomarkers as tools for liquid biopsy genomic research.

Their current focus encompasses products that allow both safeguarding integrity of bio-samples and efficient isolation of circulating biomarkers from biological samples for human genetic research including cancer genomic studies and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

Their core platform allows efficiency in the nucleic acids sequencing methods including Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in both manual and automated workflow.

RNA Elite Kits

HighPrep™ RNA Elite (5ml / 50ml / 500ml)

The HighPrep RNA Elite system utilizes MagBio’s solid-phase paramagnetic bead technology for high-throughput purifi cation of RNA or cDNA for in vitro applications such as transcription, antisense RNA (aRNA) amplifi cation as well as RNA and cDNA probe synthesis. This protocol enables recovery of micro RNA (miRNA), small RNA and total RNA from enzymatic reactions, concentrating miRNA and total RNA from a diluted sample. This protocol can be used for manual procedure as well as guideline for adapting the kit to automatic liquid handling instruments.


NGS Library Cleanup Kit

HighPrep™ PCR (5ml / 50ml / 500ml)

HighPrep™ PCR reagent is a post PCR and Next Gen library prep clean up system based on paramagnetic beads technology, designed for an efficient purification of PCR amplicons. The purification consists of removal of salts, primers, primer-dimers, dNTPs, as DNA fragments are selectively bound to the magnetic beads particles; and highly purified DNA is eluted with low salt elution buffer or water and can be used directly for downstream applications. The protocol can be adapted to your current liquid handling workstation (e.g. Beckman, Hamilton, Tecan, Caliper, Perkin Elmer, Agilent and Eppendorf) utilizing your current protocol as well as it can be performed manually.


DNA Normalization Kit

MagQuant™ Plus DNA Kit (96 Preps / 384 Preps)

The MagQuant Plus DNA Kit utilizes paramagnetic bead-based purification system for genomic DNA quantitation and concentration normalization.  The DNA normalization occurs during the purification process.  Standard methods of DNA quantitation require the use of a standard curve derived from DNA samples of known concentrations; processing DNA samples from various sources would require extensive work and reagent use. MagQuant DNA proprietary technology allows to obtain a given DNA quantitation and concentration  from DNA samples regardless of the source by adding a specific amount of MagQuant DNA beads to the DNA sample.

MagQuant Plus DNA Kit system eliminates the  need for standard curve, and  allowing the processing of a pool DNA samples with various source, thus leading to reducing labor and overall cost.  The normalization process consists of binding genomic DNA to magnetic beads, then separating them on magnet, follow with washing of beads with water to remove excessive DNA, nucleotides, salts, and other contaminants, and finally eluting of the DNA.  The process can be automated for high throughput applications on most of automated platforms currently on the market.


Toyobo was founded as a textile company in 1882.
Over the years, the Company has adapted its business in accordance with the changing times.
The most recent facet of this adaptation is a concentration of management resources in the fields of Films andFunctional Polymers, Industrial Materials, and Life Science, specialty businesses that draw on Toyobo's unique core technologies inpolymerization,
modification, processing and biotechnology.

GenNext NGS library quantification kit

GenNext™ NGS Library Quantification Kit is for the SYBR® Green I qPCR-based library quantification of Illumina next-generation sequences. The kit allows the specific and accurate quantification of libraries bearing P5 and P7 adaptors which can be applied to flow cell amplification. It uses the highly efficient qPCR master mix KOD SYBR® qPCR Mix.